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CleanSweep® Soldering AC EMI Filters

CleanSweep Soldering AC EMI Filter
CleanSweep Soldering AC EMI Filter Back View

Comply with IPC-A-610 sect. 3.1.1, ANSI/ESD STM13.1 and SEMI E176 with our soldering filters.


Did you know that IPC-A-610 limits EMI-caused spikes from soldering irons and similar tools to no more than 300mV for sensitive components? While your professional-grade soldering iron may not generate such spikes by itself, your facility power and ground easily injects such signals into your soldering setup.

OnFILTER's patented soldering filters prevent EMI-caused electrical overstress (EOS) in soldering process - sometimes called EIPD - electrically induced physical damage).  The filters block electromagnetic interference on both power lines and ground going to the soldering iron, plus they provide EMI-free ground for your workbench or a fixture which you would use as your ESD grounding.  In short, these filters create electrically quiet EMI-free "eco-zone" between the tip of the soldering iron and ground of the bench and, ultimately, circuit board and its components.

Use of CleanSweep® soldering filters is very simple: plug your soldering iron through the small-size soldering filter and connect ground of your workbench or board under assembly to the ground terminal of the filter as shown below. 

Comply with IPC-A-610 sect. 3.1.1, ANSI/ESD STM13.1 and SEMI E176 with our soldering filters.


Did you know that IPC-A-610 limits EMI-caused spikes from soldering irons and similar tools to no more than 300mV for sensitive components? While your professional-grade soldering iron may not generate such spikes by itself, your facility power and ground easily injects such signals into your soldering setup.

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Soldering Iron Filter Setup
All specifications are subject to change without notice

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Tip Current from EMI on AC & Ground
I, A
Soldering Iron Tip Current without CleanSwep Soldering Filter
Soldering Iron Tip Current with CleanSwep Soldering Filter
Tip current was measured with Tektronix' CT-1 probe (5mA/mA)
Application Notes

CleanSweep® Filters in Surge Protection

OnFILTER Advantage: Summary of CleanSweep® AC EMI Filter Technology

CleanSweep® Filters for Soldering Applications

Technical Articles

Dealing With EMI in Semiconductor Manufacturing, Part II: SEMI E176-1017 Standard

Reducing EOS Current in Hot Bar Process in Manufacturing of Fiberoptics Components

EOS Exposure of Components in Soldering Process

Can Soldering Cause EOS?

What is EMI?  NIST defines EMI as "“an electromagnetic disturbance that interrupts, obstructs, or otherwise degrades or limits the effective performance of electronics/electrical equipment.” Most conventionally, EMI is understood as undesirable high-frequency signals, and EMI filters as devices that suppress such signals while preserving the "good" ones.         

 ©2017-2024 OnFILTER, Inc. CleanSweep is a registered trademark of OnFILTER

U.S. Patents 10,263,591; 9,076,806; others pending. 
All specifications are subject to change without notice.

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