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Stepper Motor Filters


  • No mechanical attachments

  • No changes in software

  • No adjustments

OnFILTER Stepper Motor Filter TF02503

These filters qualify for UL 508A panels by being low voltage, low energy devices

PWM-driven motors, such as stepper motors are a major source of electromagnetic interference (EMI) in equipment.  They also cause a number of problems in equipment, including damage to the motor’s bearings due to leakage current causing electrical discharge machining (EDM) and damage to motor’s insulation.

​OnFILTER’s patented TF/TV-series dV/dt stepper motor filters substantially reduce high-frequency leakage currents in motors and in wiring, assisting in compliance with the requirements of IEC61800-3IEC60034-17/-25 and NEMA MG 1-2016, as well as with NAMUR recommendations. They also reduce interfering high-frequency noise within the tool resulting from operation of PWM-driven motors.  


TF/TV series filters greatly reduce high-frequency currents on equipment ground, as well as overall EMI in the tool, lowering risk of EOS and reducing errors in automated equipment and testers.


No Mechanical Fitting, No Wear, No Maintenance

OnFILTER' TF/TV series filters have no mechanical coupling to the motors - all connections are electrical. Their cost of ownership is zero.​

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Basic Connection of Stepper Motor Filter
Reduction of Ground EMI Current with Stepper Motor Filters
Stepper Filter DIN Connections.jpg
No Filter
With Stepper Motor Filter
32 times or 30dB ground current suppression
Ground Current
Ground Current
Drive Pulse
Drive Pulse
Application Notes

Filters for Servo Motors and VFD

Practical Aspects of Managing EMI-Caused EOS in IC Handlers and Similar Equipment

Measurements of Conducted Emission in the Manufacturing Environment

EMI-Generated EOS in a Wire Bonder

Mitigating EMI Issues in Servo Motors and Variable Frequency Drives

Dealing with EMI in Semiconductor Device Manufacturing

EOS Sources in Automated Equipment

EMI-Caused EOS Exposure of Components and its Mitigation

Origins of EOS in Manufacturing Environment and Its Classification

Servo and Other PWM Motors in Semiconductor Manufacturing

Technical Articles

What is EMI?  NIST defines EMI as "“an electromagnetic disturbance that interrupts, obstructs, or otherwise degrades or limits the effective performance of electronics/electrical equipment.” Most conventionally, EMI is understood as undesirable high-frequency signals, and EMI filters as devices that suppress such signals while preserving the "good" ones.         

 ©2017-2024 OnFILTER, Inc. CleanSweep is a registered trademark of OnFILTER

U.S. Patents 10,263,591; 9,076,806; others pending. 
All specifications are subject to change without notice.

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