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Users' Guides

Here you can find User's Guides for our products.  Users' Guides are in PDF format, ready for printing.  Once printed, fold them in two as you would a booklet and arrange according to the page numbers.

Ground EMI Filters
Product Image
DC EMI Filters
Product Image

What is EMI?  NIST defines EMI as "“an electromagnetic disturbance that interrupts, obstructs, or otherwise degrades or limits the effective performance of electronics/electrical equipment.” Most conventionally, EMI is understood as undesirable high-frequency signals, and EMI filters as devices that suppress such signals while preserving the "good" ones.         

 ©2017-2024 OnFILTER, Inc. CleanSweep is a registered trademark of OnFILTER

U.S. Patents 10,263,591; 9,076,806; others pending. 
All specifications are subject to change without notice.

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OnFILTER Products are Made in USA

Our products are made in U.S.A.

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